Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm proud of Myself

I am proud of myself.

With that said, I will explain why... for the first time in my whole life, I feel like I can tackle anything I want to. I lived on my own away from home for the first time last year not knowing anyone, last summer I stayed in a new town while working my way through it, I took a residence assistant job that kind of fell into my lap, I quit one job, then started another job that seems to fit me perfectly, and then started the hardest semester I have ever gone through; all with being happy. I am learning to play guitar (my boyfriend wouldn't say learning, he would tell me that I already learned and I just play guitar now), I am painting like I use to, taking pictures again, meeting new people that I adore, and most importantly taking care of myself.

I haven't always been the happiest person, I use to struggle with depression and anxiety pretty greatly. I use to go through the motions of life by putting a fake smile on, and let me tell you, it was exhausting. Can you imagine feeling empty inside, but not having the strength to let anyone know, so therefore every encounter you faced was completely fake? It sucked, but this isn't a pity party writing, and I am 100% okay with who I use to be, and who I am now.

That dark time has come and gone in my life, and this is the first time that I am actually experiencing my adult life, completely happy. In my opinion, surrounding ones' self with positive people, is not the easiest thing. This year I successfully surrounded myself with a group of people who give me the strength to be myself. I am smelling, seeing, tasting, more and better than I can ever remember. I am laughing from my belly which by the way, I think no one should ever take for granted, it is the best feeling ever!

Izzy is a 5 year old Border Collie who I came to know when she was 6 months old, and I was 15. When Izzy and I crossed paths, we were both broken. Izzy came from an abusive past and at the same time is when I was going through my depression spell. My therapist at the time recommended I got something to take care of, and invest my time in. She told my parents that she thought the best way to keep me from committing suicide was to make me have something that I would feel guilty leaving. Being depressed doesn't mean had that 5 year old dream of getting a puppy just goes away! This was the perfect excuse to act on that dream. When we went looking for this puppy, I walked passed Izzy a few times and finally my Mom told me to check out this dog that actually wasn't in a cage, she was in one of the volunteer's lap. She had these awful pink bows in her fur and she look petrified of every human being that walked by. When I approached Izzy, I talked to her for a little and then got her to walk around with me, which apparently had never happened and the volunteer was amazed. But something also happened that had not happened in a long time. I was really sick and had not felt that feeling of warm fuzzy in a long time. When Izzy and I connected eyes, I swear, as corny as it sounds, we made a pact to never let one behind.

Long story short, I got Izzy, and she got me. We both grew to be strong and more confident and grew to be the 'people' we were supposed to. She is my best friend, and she saved my life. We went on adventures and tested each other everyday. She knows when something is off with me. Now that I am in college it's hard not to have her following me around, I honestly think it is the hardest part of being in college. So when I go home I spend every moment I can to get my dose of Izzy and Macky time.

A funny thing happened the other day when I was home visiting on fall break. I went on a walk at a trail that I use to go on with my dog before I went off to school. I use to never let her off leash because I was scared something would happen like her running off, but this time I did. As I held the leash in my hands, Izzy looked up at me and shook her back to realized I freed her. She waited for me to make the first move and we all began to walk along the river. I looked ahead to the path and noticed the river presented a perfect path of rocks peeking above the water that would lead us to the other side of the river. Izzy stood at the edge of the river, only a jump away from the first top of a rock and turned to look at me. I got a sudden breath of confidence, I leaped to the rock only to find that my shadow with four paws was right behind me. Now we were both on the same rock with water rushing past us and so we continued to leap from each rock together until we both were on the other side of the river. To anyone who would of witnessed this happening, it would of been a small feat, but to me and my pal, we came over this big awful fear of the 'what if'. She was fearless, and here I was always warning people she was timid, but in reality, I was the timid one. When I was walking back with my pup to the car I realized something. I am the one who holds myself back, like how I was holding Izzy back all the other times we went on that trail. And I should never do either of those things, hold Izzy back, or myself. I can do literally anything I want to, like make it to the other side of the river.

Anywho, with all the rambling of my crazy brain, I am proud of myself. With the extreme patience of those I love, my dog Izzy, and the determination from myself to get well, and be happy, I can finally say I am!

I am going to go play guitar, make nachos with lots of jalapenos, listen to Mumford and Sons as loud as I can before quiet hours so my fellow RA's don't get mad at me, enjoy my time with the girls on my floor and my friends tonight before I will rest my head for another night of sleep... all with the sense of being proud of myself for being one thing...



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