Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm on top of the world.

Well hello strangers. It's been awhile and to be honest, I really wish I would have kept up with this online journal more, but thankfully I have been writing in my wonderfully handy dandy real journal, which just has something special about it.

Since December...

I am #1. Obviously I put my friends and family up there too, but overall I am doing things that will make me happy, and doing that really is making me live my life differently. Saying yes to things I never thought I would do and then actually doing them is a really satisfying thing, I will have you know.

I am adventurous! Who knew? I was given the opportunity to go explore Chicago and to be honest, that trip changed my life. I went by myself, wandered around with my family who live in the city and even got lost in the big city on my own. I have this new perspective that I can do anything I want to and that life will work out the way it's supposed to after that trip, my lifestyle is different because of it.
I will be living in Chicago at some point in my life. End of story.

I have really found things I love to do, and I do them. I love to paint, I love listening and finding new music, I go to yoga and am learning about the practice and all that it has to offer, I am smiling and laughing without caring how big of a goon I can be. I am in a pottery class, and I am conquering the art of wheel throwing. There is something really therapeutic about getting clay in every nook and cranny of your life and knowing that clay turned into something really neat.

I am a proud owner of a new camera! I got the Cannon t3i rebel... and let me tell you, BEST THING OF MY LIFE. I am so excited to post some of the sweet pictures I have been taking.

Moral of this entry, is do what you love, and don't care what people think. It's worth it. Adventure is out there people, and I think you all should take that step and explore all that life has to offer.

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